Dallas Sunday Morning Dharma For Kids
to Dec 27

Dallas Sunday Morning Dharma For Kids

This class is designed for children in kindergarten and above. We also have a video link for parents with preschoolers, toddlers and infants. Each class will include a short meditation, a Buddhist lesson, and activities to help children increase their patience, respect for others and loving kindness.

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Domingos por la mañana en Dallas - La Vida como un Camino Espiritual
to Mar 30

Domingos por la mañana en Dallas - La Vida como un Camino Espiritual

  • Kadampa Meditation Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Debemos aprender a integrar nuestra práctica espiritual en nuestras actividades diarias para que día y noche podamos mantener los estados mentales apacibles y las intenciones puras que desarrollamos en la meditación. De esta manera, todos los aspectos de nuestra vida se convierten en nuestro camino espiritual.

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Domingos por la mañana en Dallas - Una visión para la paz mundial
to Nov 24

Domingos por la mañana en Dallas - Una visión para la paz mundial

  • Kadampa Meditation Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Al reflexionar sobre el estado de nuestro mundo, sin duda pensaremos en temas importantes, pero no olvidemos la belleza, la maravilla y la alegría que siempre ha existido y sigue existiendo. Somos un mundo, interconectado e interdependiente. Lo que afecta a uno afecta a todos.

Al canalizar el poder de la visión y tu imaginación, puedes recrear nuestro mundo en uno de paz y afectar positivamente nuestro futuro colectivo.

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Dallas Thursday Evening - Changing Heart and Mind
to Nov 21

Dallas Thursday Evening - Changing Heart and Mind

  • Kadampa Meditation Center Texas (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All living beings want to be happy and free from suffering; the happiness and suffering of others are in no way different from the happiness and suffering of our own. In this way, we are all the same.

As we meditate deeply on this thought and contemplate its meaning, we can change our mind from a state of self-centeredness to one that sees others’ happiness and freedom from suffering as important as our own, as well as develop a warm feeling of compassion and love that touches our heart.

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Garland Wednesday Evening - Changing Heart and Mind
to Nov 20

Garland Wednesday Evening - Changing Heart and Mind

  • Into The Well Collective (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All living beings want to be happy and free from suffering; the happiness and suffering of others are in no way different from the happiness and suffering of our own. In this way, we are all the same.

As we meditate deeply on this thought and contemplate its meaning, we can change our mind from a state of self-centeredness to one that sees others’ happiness and freedom from suffering as important as our own, as well as develop a warm feeling of compassion and love that touches our heart.

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Denton Wednesday Evening - Changing Heart and Mind
to Nov 27

Denton Wednesday Evening - Changing Heart and Mind

  • Green Space Arts Collective (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All living beings want to be happy and free from suffering; the happiness and suffering of others are in no way different from the happiness and suffering of our own. In this way, we are all the same.

As we meditate deeply on this thought and contemplate its meaning, we can change our mind from a state of self-centeredness to one that sees others’ happiness and freedom from suffering as important as our own, as well as develop a warm feeling of compassion and love that touches our heart.

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Dallas Tuesday Evening - Changing Heart and Mind
to Nov 26

Dallas Tuesday Evening - Changing Heart and Mind

  • Kadampa Meditation Center Texas (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All living beings want to be happy and free from suffering; the happiness and suffering of others are in no way different from the happiness and suffering of our own. In this way, we are all the same.

As we meditate deeply on this thought and contemplate its meaning, we can change our mind from a state of self-centeredness to one that sees others’ happiness and freedom from suffering as important as our own, as well as develop a warm feeling of compassion and love that touches our heart.

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Fort Worth Monday Evening - Changing Heart and Mind
to Nov 25

Fort Worth Monday Evening - Changing Heart and Mind

  • Fort Worth Botanic Garden (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All living beings want to be happy and free from suffering; the happiness and suffering of others are in no way different from the happiness and suffering of our own. In this way, we are all the same.

As we meditate deeply on this thought and contemplate its meaning, we can change our mind from a state of self-centeredness to one that sees others’ happiness and freedom from suffering as important as our own, as well as develop a warm feeling of compassion and love that touches our heart.

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